The U.S.D.A. Certification process is too shocking to believe because it does not always prevent contaminated foods. Their policies are dangerously flawed.
The violations of food safety has, many times, been ignored or passed over by the U.S.D.A. without any kind of enforcement or recall until people are sickened or die.
That was the recent case of the recalling of ground turkey after 107 were sickened and one died in 31 states.
This just adds yet more evidence to the proof that the U.S. Government maliciously promotes dangerous food borne illness outbreaks rather than trying to prevent them.
It’s evident, in this case, that the U.S. Department of Agriculture knew ground turkey produced by Cargill was widely contaminated with salmonella, yet it did nothing about it and waited for fatalities to occur.
Salmonella food poising is occurring more and more these days because USDA regulations are not rigorously followed.
How did this happen in the case of this recent ground turkey recall? Well believe it or not current USDA Regulations allow a meat production facility to pass inspection even if 49.9% of the meat is contaminated with salmonella.
So even when the U.S.D.A. is inspecting facilities, they can be downright filthy from a pathogenic point of view, with nearly half of all the meat contaminated, and the U.S.D.A. still gives it a stamp of approval.
This action should be considered a criminal offense in my opinion. Here we are with a government agency who grossly violates food safety standards and the unsuspecting public thinks the product is healthy because it is stamped USDA inspected.
This video will show you some shocking conditions that are happening in the beef industry too. After watching it you should realize you should never buy another meat product unless it is an organic product.
So the whole idea of “food safety” and the hope that Big Government is somehow going to make our food supply safer is a joke.
Wake up America! Be more conspicuous about the quality of food and observant about what you eat today. Here’s how to get and stay healthy in all areas of your life.
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