Sunday, August 21, 2011

List of Painkillers That Will Destroy Your Life

Got a pain? Pain killer drugs are not the right answer to your problem.  They will destroy your life. Listen close to what I am about to reveal. Not only that but the side effects of painkillers can be enormous.

I’m going to spell it out to you the many dangers of the few most popular drugs.


About 15% of the people on dialysis are there as a result of the damage that Tylenol and/or aspirin did to their kidneys.

These two drugs may also be associated with diverticular disease of the colon, too.  Individuals who used either drug regularly were 2.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with chronic renal failure, compared with individuals who did not use these pain killers.


Not only may these over the counter drugs increase your blood pressure but they can also increase your risk of heart and kidney failure.

It is concluded that a large portion of U.S. hypertension cases may be the result of over using these pain medications.


Is a long lasting painkiller designed to work for 12 hours when it’s swallowed whole.  However, if the pill is crushed, it’s produces heroin like high when it is swallowed, snorted or injected. It has caused many deaths over the years.


 The parents of a girl who went blind after taking Children’s Motrin have sued Johnson and Johnson, saying the packaging didn’t adequately explain the possible risks.

Motrin carries a long list of warnings and instructions beyond these most common symptoms, and stomach bleeding is just the beginning of that list.

For some reason knowledge of how to enhance our automatic healing impulse has been lost in the United States and the Western world until every recently.  For several hundred years we have believed that disease comes from the outside and attacks the individual who is a helpless victim.

Watch this very informative video here.

The best and most profound medicine is already in us.  We must learn and then apply methods to turn the medicine on and activate its ability to heal us.

The bottom line is, feed your body the right food and nutrients, exercise regularly, manage stress and the odds are the body will heal itself. Learn more here.

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